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Inspiring personalities on the stage of personal growth is personal for me…

As a boy, instead of handing me another whipping for poor grades, my Mom handed me the book of wisdom (Proverbs) to read as a weeklong bedroom punishment after school.  The hidden nuggets awakened a curiosity for personal development….Proverbs literally saved my “ass!”

Later as a young man, personal growth was handed a second time….

Christmas Day, my Dad handed me motivational gurus Brian Tracy and Zig Ziggler’s audio CD’s and said “if you listen to these everyday you’ll be a millionaire!”  I was so captivated I listened every single day! By the end of next year, my bank account said I was still broke.


It reimagined a “rich mindset” to accelerate my path in personal success.

Mom’s chastisement + Dad’s empowerment = I was meant for encouragement!

My encouragement as a Education consultant, trainer, and minister, is integrating principles of self-development, personality science, and spiritual growth to help talented professionals, who struggle with personal fulfillment, or work-life integration, reimagine their emotional success.

Every talk is customized to the audience I speak, and my favorite talks are about the core systems that shape our lives –  Education. Work. Fatherhood. Spirituality. 

Book me for your next transformational event.

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