Professional Pathfinding

Only the Strong Survive…BUT it’s the Mentally Fit that Thrive!

Professional success is about your emotional success.  It’s more important about how you “feel” about your work, vs where you work or the progress in your work.

Your “big boss” and true Employer is your Emotional-Self…. that’s who you work for!

You can change jobs, work from home, become self-employed, but regardless of your path, all roads lead to working for emotional success.

Discovering the depths of goodness in your life is the journey in pathfinding.  And those who launch out into the deep, discover the most.

I consult professionals with creative pathfinding in 2 main areas:


Personal Pathfinding

We’ve all heard “mind your business!” Basically, “stay concerned with your own affairs and not mines!” Your mind is not only powerful, it’s big business – your personality is your profit & loss, your unique gifts are your services, and your behaviors are your activities of transactions. Our work begins with minding your business.  My consultation here is about expanding your self-awareness – awareness of your superpowers, top emotions driving you, weaknesses, hopes, and hidden qualities. This self-knowledge, becomes the building blocks to awaken and renew your mindset. This part of the consulting process is about connecting with your well-being, to help transform your well-doing. As there aren’t any specific goals, this process is harder to describe but easier to experience.


Professional Pathfinding

Inspired professional pathfinding is journeying in the vocation that expresses the best parts of you.   “Vocation” comes from Latin vocare, which means to call. When you listen to the call that comes from within, it “inspires” your path, powers your gifts, fuels your passion, and attracts the resources and earning potential to position you in abundance. Your “calling” is ongoing and continues to call you in different paths of prosperity. Whatever’s calling you – a new job venture, creative services, or business idea… I help with:

  • Increasing clarity and confidence in your career, work interests, and ideas.
  • Understanding how your ambitions and fears are impacting your career goals.
  • Tailored resume writing services, and government resumes.
  • Career coaching and readiness.

Ready to get started?

Once I receive your application request, I’ll contact you for a free 30-min. consultation. The first step is to answer the questions below.

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